We want to sell your gently used pre-owned luxury handbags and accessories. We offer competitive sales commission for sellers of authentic PRELOVED luxury items. We do not offer trades. Consignment payments are made after the sale of the item, we do not offer buyouts at this time. 

*Current processing time on all new arrivals is 30 business days from the day we sign for your shipment. Please refer to your signature confirmation tracking for receipt of your box, we do not email you.*

*We accept EXCELLENT & GREAT : gently used, preloved bags, and small leather goods. We are NOT ACCEPTING: GOOD, or FAIR ITEMS. We do not accept items that have damage, need repair, odors, sticky pockets, or have been altered from the original condition. If we receive an item that is not sellable, it will be returned at a rate of $50 per item. We will send an invoice to pay for the return shipping to you. 

How to consign with the ("SELL MY BAG NOW") button:

  • Select "Sell My Bag" tab on our website
  • Select: Purple Tab - Create Account in the top right corner
  • Enter: Item name, brand, fabric, etc.
  • SUBMIT: Please submit 5 clear photos of the item you would like to consign 
  • Details to include: Item Name, and any accessories you are including with the item (box, dust bag, receipts, etc)  - in the notes include the price you paid for the item - are you the original owner, purchased preloved, and/or your order number if purchased at KIMMIEBBAGS or WHATNOT Auction. 
  • You will receive a Quote for your PAYOUT AMOUNT - The quote payout is your payout commission. If we can sell your bag for more, we will payout a higher commission than your original quote. We never pay lower than your quoted amount! You are always guaranteed your quote amount when sold. 
SELLER RATES: We offer the following Seller commission rates paid once the item is sold and the payment has cleared (45-60 days after date of sale):
    FINAL SALES PRICE:  $1 - $999           =    60% Seller Commission (after discounts and fees)
    FINAL SALES PRICE : $1000 -$1999      =    70% Seller Commission (after discounts and fees)
    FINAL SALES PRICE : $2000 - $4999    =     80% Seller Commission (after discounts and fees)
    FINAL SALES PRICE : $5000 - and up    =     85% Seller Commission (after discounts and fees)

MANUAL QUOTES - We are experiencing longer than normal response times, up to 5 Business days. Thank you for understanding. 
  • SHIPPING: Upon agreed payout quote, we will provide our UPS Office business address to ship your consignment items. - we will pay for shipping with shipping insurance to KBB LLC. We provide a prepaid UPS label with tracking via email. Please include your name inside of the package with your items. To help our team, you can include your quoted payout rate inside the box. You can combine shipping for multiple quotes. Your return address will appear on the top of the label - DO NOT CUT OFF THE RETURN ADDRESS at the top of the label. If your return address is missing on the outside of the package - your processing time will be delayed or it can be lost during transit without your return address. 
  • CONSIGNMENT: Get paid via Direct to Bank with ACH. Connect your bank with Stripe / or manually. We pay after we receive payment for the sale of your item from the buyer (45-60 days after the sale.)  We work on consignment payouts once a month. (UPDATED JAN 1, 2024)
  • We will hold your item for sale up to 90 days. After 90 days, if unsold, your item will returned to you at your cost. You will receive an email invoice for $50, this covers our staff time, entrupy and the shipping cost we have incurred.

  • If you request the return of your items before 90 days, you will be invoiced $50 per item, this covers our staff time, entrupy and the shipping cost we have incurred.
  • If we receive your item for consignment and the condition differs from what was indicated during the pre-consignment process we reserve the right to return your item and charge you a $50 return fee, this covers our staff time, entrupy and the shipping cost we have incurred.

  • If we receive additional items in your consignment package that we have not agreed to a consignment payout on, we will attempt to sell it at the highest possible value and pay out at the prescribed consignment rates. We implore all consignors to have an agreed upon quote ahead of sending in items as to ensure that there are no surprises.
  • AUTHENTICITY GUARANTEE: If we receive an item and it is determined to be unauthentic by Entrupy, a fee of $150 will be applied to dispose of the item at the seller's expense. By Law, we must dispose of the item and it will be destroyed. 
Thank you for allowing us to sell your luxury items!
For consignors sending batches of items, please utilize the form below
and include in your shipment! Click here to download